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Měsíce v roce trochu jinak

Naučit se měsíce v roce anglicky většinou není takový problém. Je to prostě 12 slovíček, a ještě k tomu jsou docel lehce zapamatovatelné, protože slova, která nám označují měsíce jsou si velmi podobná v mnoha dalších jazycích (v češtině bohužel ne)

Proč ale nevyužít takového jednoduchého tématu jako jsou měsíce, abyste se současně naučili něco nového? Zamyslete se. Kdy mluvíte o měsících? V jakých situacích se vám bude toto téma hodit?

Myslím, že se všichni můžeme shodnout na tom, že měsíce anglicky se dají využít v těchto okruzích:

  1. Když mluvíme o ročních obdobích nebo o počasí
  2. Když mluvíme o tom, kdy máme narozeniny
  3. Když mluvíme o typických svátcích (například Vánoce, Halloween, Velikonoce)

Máme tedy tři témata, ve kterých můžeme zmínit měsíce v roce. Pojďme se tedy na to podívat. V tomto článku se naučíte, jak říct měsíce anglicky a ke každému si přidáme pár vět pro všechny tři zmíněná témata.

Na konci článku vás čeká ještě bonus, a to jaké konverzační otázky se pojí s tématem měsíce v roce.


January – leden

  • January is the first month of the year.
  • In the Czech Republic is it winter in January.
  • The weather is cold, freezing and there is usually snow. The sky is grey and the days are short.
  • My father has a birthday in January, exactly on 6th January.
  • In January we celebrate the New Year's Day (1st January) and the Three Kings Day (6th January)


February – únor

  • February is the second month of the year.
  • In the Czech Republic, it is winter in February.
  • The weather is still cold, frosty with a lot of snow. Many people like to go skiing or ice skating. The ground is hard and frozen.
  • In February we celebrate Valentine's Day (14th February).


March – březen

  • March is the third month of the year.
  • In the Czech Republic it is still winter in March but at the end of this month is the beginning of spring.
  • Plants begin to grow again. The first flower we can see in March is usually a snowdrop. The weather is still cold, windy, and rainy.
  • In March I celebrate my birthday (6th March). We also celebrate International Women's Day (8th March) and Teacher's Day in the Czech Republic (28th March = the birthday of Jan Ámos Komenský).


April – duben

  • April is the fourth month of the year.
  • April is the spring month.
  • Trees sprout leaves. Baby animals are born.
  • The weather in April can be wet and cloudy but also warm and sunny. It´s changing a lot.
  • In April we celebrate April Fool's Day (1st April) and Earth Day (22th April).
  • In April we usually celebrate Easter, too but the date of Easter is changing every year.


May – květen

  • May is the fifth month of the year.
  • In the Czech Republic is spring in May.
  • The days grow longer. The weather is warm and sunny. Flowers begin to blossom.
  • In May we celebrate many important days. 1st May is popular because it is International Workers' Day and also in the Czech Republic is Love Day. On 8th May we celebrate Liberation Day.
  • Mother's Day is also very popular among many countries. In the Czech Republic, we celebrate Mother´s Day the second Sunday in May so the date changes every year.


June – červen

  • June is the sixth month of the year.
  • It is the beginning of summer. The days are long and the weather is sunny, bright, and sometimes hot.
  • We celebrate International Children's Day (1st June). In June there is Father's Day but the day is changing every year.
  • 21st June is called Summer Solstice. This is the longest day in the year with the longest period of daylight.


July – červenec

  • July is the seventh month of the year.
  • In July it is summer. The sun shines brightly most days. The weather is usually hot but there are storms as well.
  • Most schools are closed for summer holidays and people go on vacation,
  • In the Czech Republic we celebrate two important days in July – Saints Cyril and Methodius Day (5th July) and Jan Hus Day (6th July). Both days are public holidays.


August – srpen

  • August is the eighth month of the year.
  • It is still summer. The days are long and the weather is hot and sunny.
  • People often take holiday in August and schools are still closed.
  • In August many of my family members have birthdays.


September – září

  • September is the ninth month of the year.
  • In September the autumn (fall) starts.
  • Students go back to school. Leaves turn brown and yellow and fall from the trees. The weather can be still warm but also rainy.
  • In September we celebrate Czech Statehood Day (28th September)


October – říjen

  • October is the tenth month of the year.
  • October is an autumn month. The weather is colder, wet, and chilly.
  • In the Czech Republic, we celebrate Independent Czechoslovak State Day (28th October) but there are some international holidays, too.
  • In many countries, people celebrate Halloween (31st October).


November – listopad

  • November is the eleventh month of the year.
  • It is the last month of autumn. The weather is much colder and it may start to snow. The average temperature is around 7-8 degrees.
  • In the Czech Republic, we celebrate International Student Day and Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day (17th November).
  • In many countries, people celebrate All Saints' Day (1st November) and the Day of the Dead (1st and 2nd November).


December – prosinec

  • December is the twelfth month of the year.
  • It is the beginning of winter. Winter is the coldest season of the year. Nights are long and the days are short.
  • We celebrate Christmas in December. In the Czech Republic the most important day is 24th December but in other countries is can be another day. In the Czech Republic, we have public holidays from 24-26 December.


Na závěr si ukážeme dvě maličkosti:

  1. Měsíce se v angličtině píšou vždy s velkým písmenem na začátku (January, February, ….), což může být někdy matoucí, protože v češtině se píšou s malým písmenem. Tak na to pamatujte.
  2. Datum se v angličtině píše a vyslovuje trochu jinak. Například 10th March = the 10th of March. Když tedy datum vyslovujeme, dáváme na začátek člen „the“ a taky mezi den a měsíc dáváme předložku „of“.


Konverzační otázky na téma „měsíce v roce – anglicky“

  • What month is it now?
  • What month is it next month?
  • What month is last month?
  • Which month is your birthday?
  • What month is Christmas?
  • What month is Easter?
  • What month do you go on a holiday?
  • Which month is the hottest?
  • Which month is the coldest?
  • Which month do you like best?
  • Which month does summer begin?
  • Which month does winter begin?
  • Which month does your school begin?
  • Which month does your school end?
  • What month do you like the least?
  • What month do you like the best?
  • What months are cold in your country?
  • Which months are hot in your country?


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