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The Czech Republic

Česká republika a angličtina? Ano, velmi často se mě studenti ptají, co mají říkat o České republice. Možná to je pro někoho jednoduché, ale pro někoho to může být těžké, protože to vypadá jako komplexní téma.

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Maturita z angličtiny: Czech Republic


The Czech Republic is situated in central Europe and sometimes it is called „the heart of Europe“. It borders Slovakia in the east, Poland in the north, Germany in the north and west and Austria in the south. The country consists of three historical areas (Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia). Politically the Czech Republic is divided into 14 regions and the capital city is Prague.


The Czech republic has a varied landscape. Here we can find valleys, lowlands, mountain ranges. Bohemia is surrounded by a ring of mountains. The highest peak of the Czech Republic, Sněžka (1602). The Vltava is the most important tributary of the Labe and with its numerous dams (e.g. Lipno, Slapy) is the longest Czech river.




Our territory has been inhabited by Slavonic tribes since the 6th century. From 10th - 14th century the power was taken by the Přemyslid dynasty. Charles IV. was one of the most popular Czech kings. Charles IV built the famous Charles Bridge and Karlštejn castle. Also the first Czech university (Prague University) was founded by him. In the 15th century there was the Hussite Movement named after Jan Hus, who was burnt in 1415 in Kostnice. At the beginning of the 20th century there was the WW I which ended in 1918 and the Czechoslovak Republic was established (on 28 October 1918)The first president was T. G.Masaryk. But it was destroyed by German occupation during the WW II - The Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. In 1948 power was taken over by the communists. In April in 1968 our state was occupied by the Soviet Union – this event is called the “Prague Spring”. 20 years later in 1989 the dramatic events of November 1989, known as the "Velvet Revolution" caused splitting of the Czechoslovak Federal Republic and in 1993 the Czech Republic became an independent state with the first president Václav Havel.

The Czech republic is a parliamentary democratic state with the president as the head of state.

Interesting places

The Czech Republic is a country with nice nature, rich culture and history. The Czech republic is well-known for its spa towns. The oldest and most known are Karlovy Vary.

South Moravia has a beautiful place called the Moravian Karst with underground caves decorated with many stalactites and stalagmites. The cave can be seen from boats floating on the underground river called the Punkva. The Moravian Karst includes not only caves, but also deep canyons.

One of the beautiful historic towns is definitely Olomouc, which is located in the east part of The Czech Republic on The Morava river. In the past, the city was the capital of the Moravia. It´as an educational and cultural centre.


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